Wild Imagination Journal

Cutting 2014 Down to Ten

Cutting 2014 Down to Ten

Following the lead of my friend and colleague, Patrick Endres, I thought I’d try to hone down my top 100 images of 2014  to my favorite 10. Turns out that selecting ten images is much more difficult than selecting 100. As Patrick found…

Coal Creek Dredge

The Coal Creek Dredge is a hulking, land-chewing, industrial caterpillar. Dormant now, the beast sits idle in the center of Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, a legacy to the mining history of the park. It’s an ugly thing, operated on and off…

Winter Sanity

Winter Sanity

Up here in Alaska we like to brag a bit about how tough our winters are. We scoff when friends and family in the lower 48 complain about cold temperatures. But for all our bluster and braggadocio, winters are hard.…

A Space of My Own

A Space of My Own

When I was a kid I had a series of “forts” that extended from my backyard through several neighbors properties and into a stringer of undeveloped forest a 1/4 mile from home. Usually centered around a partly fallen, or ivy-covered…

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